Today I mourn for the polar bears…

Last night I was sitting out on my back deck at 9:15 p.m., drinking a delicious Creemore beer after a day spent outside painting my fence in shorts and a tank top and getting a sunburn. I was also busy swatting at mosquitoes while I checked out my crocuses, daffodils and tulips as they are doing a whole lot more than just poking through the ground. And it’s March. And I’m in Canada.  There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

Don’t get me wrong – I am loving the beautiful sunshine and the warm weather ain’t half bad to deal with – but the fact remains, that it’s March. And I’m in Canada.

Please don’t tell me that global warming is a myth.

The warm weather is here and we might as well enjoy it. As Canadians, we are used to getting such a sacred few days of beautiful, warm weather that we have no choice but to REALLY enjoy every one that we get. But while you are outside enjoying the unseasonably warm temperatures, reflect for a second on how scary the repercussions of such temperatures are and what they can actually mean for our planet if this becomes the norm. This cannot possibly be good and it’s a rather stark reminder that we all need to be doing things differently and demanding better from governments and large corporations. If we don’t start being better stewards of our planet, we  will end up doing a whole lot more than mourning for the polar bears.

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